
New Publication: Exploring Phylogenetic Signal in Multivariate Phenotypes by Maximizing Blomberg’s K.

In their most recent paper published in Systematic Biology, Phillip Mitteroecker, Michael L. Collyer and Dean C. Adams introduce a new system to measure phylogenetic signal in multivariate phenotypes. Phylogenetic signal is the tendency of closely related species to resemble each other more than distant ones. The authors approach a long-standing challenge in the statistical estimation of phylogenetic signal in mutivariate phenotypes, as phylogenetic signal until now have been mostly designed for univariate traits. However, biological traits are often multivariate, and univariate measures are therefore inadequate, and not meaningful on their own. The authors propose a novel method where the multivariate data is decomposed into linear combinations with the most or least phylogenetic signal, which is measured by Blomberg’s K. These components, called K-components, can be interpreted biologically, and scatterplots can show the data in a way that preserves phylogenetic signal. (Click on title to continue.)


KLI’s journal Biological Theory has now received an Impact Factor of 1.9

Hurrah! It is with great pleasure that we share this happy news! KLI’s journal Biological Theory has now received an Impact Factor! Its current Impact Factor of 1.9 puts the journal in the top quartile of journals in its category. Congratulations to the entire team whose dedication and hard work over the years have played a huge part in the journal reaching this important milestone! We are happy to share this amazing news with you, and look forward to your submissions in the future!

Lee Altenberg
Ten Thousand Years of Cranial Evolution in South America
Lumila Menéndez
Sustainable Biophysical Human-Nature Connectedness
Christian Dorninger